
Showing posts from August, 2020

Vighneshwara of Ozhar

  Ashtavinayak Series Vighneshwara of Ozhar This is the last write-up in this series! This was my way of remembering Bappa during His festival. There was a king named Abhinandan who wanted to become the king of Heaven as well. He started a Yagna to achieve this. When Lord Indra came to know of this, he created a being called Kaalpurush and commanded him to disrupt the Yagna. Kaalpurush destroyed Abhinandan's Yagna. He didn't stop here. He set off destroying every Vedic practice on the earth and earned the name Vighnasura. He kept up his rampage, thereby causing major concern to the celestial gods. They all requested Lord Gajanan to help them. Lord Gajanan took a human form and put up a valiant fight against Vighnasura and ultimately defeated him. Vighnasura surrendered to Lord Gajanan and requested Him for His blessings. The Lord agreed and told Vighnasura that he should not be present wherever His worship was being done. Vighnasura, in return, requested that his name be conne

Varad Vinayak of Mahad

  Ashtavinayak Series Varad Vinayak of Mahad King Bhima of Kaudinya had a son named Rukmangad. One day, as Prince Rukmangad was out hunting in a forest, he came into the attention of Mukundaa, wife of Sage Vachaknavi. She expressed her love for Rukmangada who was tremendously shocked and instantl6 refused her attention. Enraged, Mukundaa cursed Rukmangada that he would turn into a leper. Rukmangada immediately prayed to Lord Chintamani and was released by this curse. However, Lord Indra took the form of Rukmangad and deceived Mukundaa. A son was born to them named Gritsaamav. This boy grew up to be a learned person. Once, Gritsaamav decided to participate in a debate where sages like Vishwamitra, Atri and Vasishta were also to participate. Sage Atri refused to debate with Gritsaamav, on the grounds that the later was not a Brahmin. Gritsaamav who was unaware of his birth, consulted his mother who told him the truth. In a moment of anger, Gritsaamav cursed his mother and moved into

Siddhivinayak of Siddhatek

  Ashtavinayaka Series Siddhivinayaka of Siddhatek It was time for the next Creation to begin, and Lord Brahma set up on the task. As He began to create worlds, Lord Vishnu went into His Yoganidra. Unknown to the Lord, two demons Madhu and Kaitabh emerged from His ears and started harassing the celestial gods. Lord Vishnu put up a fierce battle against the demons, and the battle went on for a long time. Neither side seemed to be making any progress. It is said that Lord Shiva advised Lord Vishnu to seek the guidance of Lord Ganesha by reciting the shadakshara mantra 'Ganeshaya Namaha'. Lord Vishnu chose Siddhakshethra to propitiate Lord Ganesha who assisted Him ultimately. Lord Vishnu is said to have created a temple in this place and installed an idol of Lord Gajanan. As Lord Vishnu attained Siddhi here, this place came to be known as Siddhatek. With the passage of time, the temple constructed by Lord Vishnu perished. It is said that the idol of Lord Gajanan was found years

Moreshwar of Morgaon

  Ashtavinayak Series Moreshwar of Morgaon There lived a king named Chakrapani. He and his wife Queen Ugra, not being blessed with progeny, worshipped Lord Surya for His grace. Eventually the queen became pregnant. However, the embryo within her burnt her with its sheer brilliance and radiance. Unable to bear the scorching heat that the embryo emanated, the queen is said to have released the embryo into the sea. Soon, a brilliant child came to birth in the sea. The sea lord offered the child to the king Chakrapani. The child was named Sindhu, as he was born in the sea. Under the guidance of his Guru Shukracharya, and by worshipping Lord Surya regularly, Sindhu grew up strong and powerful. Pleased with his devotion, Lord Surya gave nectar to Sindhu, with the promise that as long as the nectar remained in his navel, Sindhu would remain immortal. Immortality can corrupt the wisest of beings, and soon Sindhu too fell into the trap of pride and egoism. He attacked several of the celestia

Mahaganapathi of Ranjangaon

  Ashtavinayak Series Mahaganapathi of Ranjangaon There was once a sage named Gritsamad who raised a boy as his own. The boy was named Tripur. Right from a young age, the boy mastered all Mantras of Shri Ganesh. He meditated intensely on the Lord and was blessed with His vision. Lord Ganesha granted Tripur a boon that he would be the most powerful person on earth, and only Lord Shiva Himself could defeat him. Having received this boon, Tripur became arrogant and proud. Soon enough, he attacked the nether world, heaven as well as Mount Kailash itself. He became the king of all the worlds. The gods were wondering about how to defeat Tripur when Sage Narada advised them to take the help of Lord Ganesha. Disguised as a common man, Lord Ganesha met Tripur and offered him three flying vehicles which could take him anywhere in a matter of few minutes. These planes could only be destroyed by Lord Shiva. In return, Lord Ganesha asked Tripur to get the statue of Chintamani from the Kailash Parv

Girijatmaj of Lenyadri

Girijatmaj of Lenyadri There are many interesting points mentioned about this Ashtavinayak temple. Lenyadri temple is said to be the only temple built on a mountain. It is actually built on the locality of Buddhist caves.  Legend has it that once Devi Parvathi did severe penance inside these caves to beget Lord Ganesha as Her child. The Lord was immensely pleased and only too willing to be known as Devi Parvathi's son. As Devi lovingly fashioned an idol of Ganesha with oil and ointments, the idol suddenly came alive and Lord Ganesha stood in His glory before the Devi! As the Atmaj (son) of Devi Girija (Devi Parvathi), this form of Ganesha came to be known as Girijatmaj.  It is said that Lord Ganesha stayed in Lenyadri for fifteen years. There was a demon king named Sindhu who believed that the Lord had taken birth in the mortal world to end his cruel reign. He kept sending one demon after another but Lord Ganesha successfully killed them all.  Legend also has it that the caves in L

Chintamani of Theur

Chintamani of Theur Although this is the fifth prescribed temple in the Ashtavinayak Set, people visit this temple after visiting Ballaleshwar of Palli, as the route is easier.  Theur was initially known as Kadambanagar. This region had a king named Abhijeet. He was a powerful king, blessed with everything in life, except for a heir. At the suggestion of Rishi Vaishampayan, the king and his wife carried severe penance, at the end of which, they were blessed with a son named Gana. He was also called as Ganaraja.  Ganaraja, even though being bright and brave, also tended to be aggressive. Once he was invited to the Ashram of the Sage Kapil. The sage proved to be a good host and with the help of the Chintamani jewel that he had, he was able to serve a royal feast for Ganaraja. On seeing the precious jewel, desire came over Ganaraja to possess it. Sage Kapil refused to hand it over to him. But Ganaraja forcibly took the jewel. Kapil Muni took refuge of his Ishta Devi, Goddess Durga, who ad

Ballaleshwar Temple

 Ashtavinayaka is a set of eight temples situated in Maharashtra.  I have attempted to write about the origin and history of every temple among the eight.  I would like to start with  Ballaleshwar of Pali: There was a village named Pallir (now Pali) in Konkan. And in this village, lived the family of the rich Kalyani Seth. He had a son named Ballal who, from a very young age, was a pious devotee of Lord Ganesha. Not only did the boy spend most of his time in worship, he also influenced his friends for the same.  This did not go well with Kalyani Seth who was a worldly man. To make matters worse, the parents of Ballal's friends started complaining that he was proving to be a wrong influence on their children.  One such day, after receiving another complaint from a parent, Kalyani Seth marched out in anger to search for Ballal and teach him an unforgettable lesson. He found his son in a forest, totally engrossed in the worship of Lord Ganesha.  Enraged, Kalyani Seth threw away the id